
RaceRellish / Comments

Ashley Janai’
Ashley Janai’  (12 days ago)
Hi thank you so much for your support I really appreciate it and I really like your music keep up the great work!!!
Country Girl
Country Girl  (20 days ago)
Thanks for your support Rell and it is much appreciated by this Country Girl👍🎧🎸😊😘!
Brian Lynch
Brian Lynch  (25 days ago)
Love the funk/r&b fusion feel, very Prince reminiscent - Big Ups to RaceRellish
Jacqueline Dancy Midora
Jacqueline Dancy Midora  (about 1 month ago)
Your sound is all your own and I love it! :).
Imani Zubeh
Imani Zubeh  (about 2 months ago)
Love the LIVE idea! Very cool! Keep slammin' ! Very creative!!
Rob W Carlson - Works in the duo, Sharp Marbles
Rob W Carlson - Works in the duo, Sharp Marbles  (3 months ago)
Tripoligy, Heavy and hip, solid groove, cool production!
OttO DIDAkT  (4 months ago)
Salut ! Bravo pour vos réalisations, et merci pour le suivi.
Beer On Ice Music City
Beer On Ice Music City  (4 months ago)
Great music enjoyed the listen.
The Chelsea Hotel#1 by 'Les Paul's' (The Paul's)
The Chelsea Hotel#1 by 'Les Paul's' (The Paul's)  (4 months ago)
We came back and downloaded and played Tripoligy and we liked it a lot! Cheers Rell and you’re welcome to visit us anytime without a reservation👍🍻🎧😊😘!
Micah Deep
Micah Deep  (4 months ago)
Dope music