
Deep Remorse / Comments

Larry Potillo
Larry Potillo  (18 days ago)
The band brought it all home here in my ear buds. outstanding work!
THE TIME BOMB  (12 months ago)
Listened to your top 5 tracks. I agree with Joe West! Black Rain is AWESOME! Cheers from THE TIME BOMB KA-BOOOOM 💣
Trench  (over 1 year ago)
Joe West lives
Joe West lives  (over 1 year ago)
Black Rain is very cool...well written!
Psychological Piece
Psychological Piece  (over 1 year ago)
Great sound
The Mighty Rock Farmers
The Mighty Rock Farmers  (almost 2 years ago)
Sounds Good! Nice Work
John Colella
John Colella  (almost 2 years ago)
like what eye hear
Extreme Dream
Extreme Dream  (almost 2 years ago)
solid vocals, music, musicianship, production/mic and sound. listening to and enjoying the top six songs here. my picks. Special, Black Rain and Runing With the Devil Tony
Extreme Dream
Extreme Dream  (almost 2 years ago)
hello: R/N recommended you to me. i'm here for some song plays. the top three. solid. i also became a fan. will you do the same for us and give us a listen and a fan back. thanks. Tony
Hault  (over 5 years ago)
Sounding great guys. Hopefully team up on the road sometime :)