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David Martin / Comments

Final Empire
Final Empire  (over 7 years ago)
Big musicality... ! Great done... !
Jerry's New Music
Jerry's New Music  (over 7 years ago)
Love your music, keep it up
bladequake  (almost 8 years ago)
Great Music!!! Positive Vibes ;)
David Havilland
David Havilland  (almost 9 years ago)
Wonderful, it is a pure pleasure, in particular : Dance for Lemira.
Paul Robert Thomas
Paul Robert Thomas  (about 9 years ago)
Loving your great sounds David! Wishing you good luck & all the best from me & all @!
Bonde Sem Freio
Bonde Sem Freio  (about 9 years ago)
Have a great 2016! Cheers!!! Success!!!
James Cross
James Cross  (about 9 years ago)
Nicely done David... I like your guitar work, sound and vibe. Thanks for connecting and Keep the Faith. jC.
ALYSON  (over 9 years ago)
TheOtherManInBlack  (over 9 years ago)
Stopping by to show support and wish success on your musical journey.
Blue (songwriter)
Blue (songwriter)  (over 9 years ago)
"Endless Wave" is a great song man, Like your style! Thanks for the friendship. Blue.