
beatroot / Comments

Genetic Throwbacks
Genetic Throwbacks  (22 days ago)
Bout time we connected we are fans man - we love interesting music
beatroot  (21 days ago)
Thx Genetic Throwbacks! A lot of interesting tracks on your page too. Keep them coming. CHEERS!
Davo  (23 days ago)
Davo from genetic throwbacks man great stuff
beatroot  (21 days ago)
Cheers Davo! Thanks so much for the kind comment mate. Happydays to you!
The Chelsea Hotel#1 by 'Les Paul's' (The Paul's)
The Chelsea Hotel#1 by 'Les Paul's' (The Paul's)  (27 days ago)
We just listened to ShoutOut🎧 that we liked a lot! Cheers beatroot👍🍻and you’re welcome to visit us at The Chelsea anytime without a reservation😊🎸😘!
beatroot  (21 days ago)
Thanks so much for the kind comment! Great music on your page. Great writing Great story telling. Happydays!
BLACK LUNG  (10 months ago)
May God Life be kind to you I love your vibe and🌼 Terrific Music!
Nancy Woods
Nancy Woods  (almost 5 years ago)
♪ 🎹 🎧 🙌 ♪Enjoying your WiCkEdLy ♪ CrEaTiVe ♪ Mesmerizing ♪ MuSic ♫♪♫♪ I'm Dancing.... I'm a Fan 🙌 Stop by my page, if you like, Fan me! ☮♥♫
Ra-218  (over 5 years ago)
Greetings. I'm enjoying your ShoutOut demo. Very enjoyable. I'm a songwriter looking for artists who want to perform my songs. I only have one uploaded at this stage, although I have a link to some vids on the right hand side too. If interested, have a look and see if there is anything there you'd like to use, and let me know. Thanks.
Jeff Crew - APRA Member -
Jeff Crew - APRA Member -  (about 7 years ago)
Stopping by to show my support. Great demos on your profile, Keep up the great work, - JC
rui-gen  (about 7 years ago)
You should release Shootout - its better than a demo - really good song, nice bass
Bonde Sem Freio
Bonde Sem Freio  (about 8 years ago)
Cheers!!! Success!!!