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Bio: ResQ Ranjazz International is a music production and publishing company affiliated with the American society of Composers,Authors and Publishers (ASCAP). We are proud to announce the release of our debut album, "Afrofusion Vol. 1" for distribution in America and all over the world. This year , we... See Full Bio
Bless Up! Please watch and share our beautiful Reggae 'Little Child of Mine' promo video at and Bob Marley video promo at
Have a great 2016! Cheers!!! Success!!!
take a look to 2 videos from Danny Barron trio at Final Jazz à Vannes contest . 2nd album coming soon on october , follow us on Facebook .thanks a lot being fan https://ww...
Loving the sounds fam! Let's stay in touch via Twitter also? Follow my fan base on Twitter via @IfyOtuyaFandom and they'll follow u right back!! They generally promote m...
Thank you ResQ Ranjazz International for appreciated support. Enjoying your amazing artists. Much success from LA.
God bless you:)